Book an Appointment
three generations of Angelucci’s
Two Options
$750 single session
$1000 prepaid for two sessions
Reasons to book: think summer vacation or kids birthday or holiday cards, family gathering, grandparents visiting, favorite activity or adventure or just the fact that they grow so fast and you want to document how beautiful and fun your family or kids are.
Penny the personality
Best Brother Buds
Mothers and their sons are unbreakable
Each session includes
2 hours of shoot/play time although not everyone uses the full time. 2 hours is a long time to smile.
20 edited digital photographs.
4x6 prints of the 20 edited photographs.
If you really love more images it’s $50 per image edit past the 20 selected.
Curated coffee table gift book on request $450-$750 ish
The LOCALS started when I couldn’t find a photographer to photograph me and my kids playing together. I wanted more than just a stand and pose photoshoot. I wanted action, laughter and real emotion. I want to remember the real personalities of my children. So if you’re looking for a perfect type family photographer I’m not your gal. But if you want some gritty, hilarious, totally off the cuff, fashion editorial type images that you’ll laughcry over for the next few decades here is my calendar to book. And yes I shoot 98% in black and white only. In terms of location we can shoot just about anywhere including in your house, backyard, local park, beach, trail, wherever you want to have a fun adventure. Mornings and Afternoons/Early Evenings are usually best. In fact some of my fav photos are of children waking up and running about or eating breakfast and overall being silly.